This course will cover basic ISL vocabulary , grammar and sentences to basic ISL communication.
Those who are new to ISL and wanted to learn ISL to explore new possibilities of communication.
Our Timings are flexible and may best suitable for the self paced learning candidates.
Fees 2000 /- 8 hours including exam ( Discount will be applicable for a group of school kids below 14 years of age) for Indian nationals. International learner's please email for more details.
Timings : 3 days a week ( Mostly on 7 to 8 PM in the evening), Please note that timings are flexible.
ISL intermediate Level 2
This course will cover additional vocabulary and techniques of ISL, depth in communication skills with lots of practice.
Those who have completed the basics of Indian sign language course from Talking Hands or who have a basic communication knowledge in ISL can enrol for this course.
Fees 3000 /- 20 hours for Indian nationals. International learner's please email for more details.
Fess 2350/- 15 hours (15 classes) for Indian nationals. International learner's please email for more details.
3 days a week (Evening ) , days and timings will be confirmed after enrolling for the classes.
Note : Our courses are completely taught by a deaf instructor to understand the beauty of sign language. Being ourselves deaf, we do not bring a third party person such as sign language interpreter , hearing person(who knows ISL) etc..
Aswathy Alok (Naturally Deaf Singer ),
Independent Volunteer , Talking Hands
Former ISL Instructor,
Delhi Public School, Bengaluru
Email: Support at talkinghands at co dot in / Contact : +91 8208928373